
This is an e-commerce website designed to bring buyers and sellers together where the buyer initiates the process by posting a wanted ad and sellers respond if certain criteria is met.
Buyers are required to post an ad and go about their business. Only “Pre-qualified” Sellers respond with their offers. Buyers review offers presented by all potential Sellers and contact only those they prefer.
Sellers receive notifications only regarding Buyers who are seeking their particular product or service. Sellers can either respond to a potential Buyer or delete the notification.

Technology Used

nHibernate with Entity Frame work has been used for developing this portal. The data (JSON) is exchanged in an asynchronous mode with the help of scripting web-service.
The backend data store is in SQL Server 2008 which has its close association with the hbm file generated through nHibernate methods & procedures.


nHibernate with Entity Framework, Scripting Web services, Criteria Expressions, Lambda Expressions, JQuery, SQL Server 2008.